Dates: 16. & 23.03.2021 | 09.30h – 13.00h (online)
"Conflicts? I like it!” Who can say that with full conviction? Instead, conflict situations are usually
perceived as unpleasant, stressful and disturbing. The potential for innovation and reorientation that
lies in every conflict is rarely seen and utilized.
In this seminar, common perceptions of conflict are critically examined and a constructive
understanding of conflict is developed. Existing conflict resolution skills of the participants are
uncovered and put into action. Methods to address conflicts constructively and to communicate and
act professionally in disputes will be taught.
Conflict competence is a key dimension of personal and professional success. This seminar enables
participants to discover conflicts as an opportunity for innovation, professional and personal
Typical areas of conflict at research institutions arise, from professional and role-related specificities
of research organizations as well as the academic career: e.g. negotiating working conditions at the
transition from doctoral to postdoctoral phase, between different status groups (administration vs.
academic staff), with colleagues, superiors, employees...
Dimensions of implicit and explicit hierarchies in dealing with conflicts are considered, since hierarchy
and attributions based on gender origin influence conflict dynamics. Currently there are new
challenges, as familiar working conditions and communication processes have to be renegotiated and
redesigned due to the pandemic.
How do you succeed in these conflict situations in your own role (e.g. colleague, employee, manager)
to adopt a clear and goal-oriented but at the same time respectful attitude and to act in accordance
with this?
The seminar offers the opportunity to define one's own conflict areas and to sound out the scope for
finding solutions. You will be able to work on concrete problems and develop approaches to solutions.