SFB1399 Family Support 2025

15/01/2025 | News

The Family Support Program of SFB1399 will be continued in 2025

For all those who are restricted in their everyday work due to family care situations, we would like to offer the family support program again in 2025 to PIs, MD and PhD students as well as Postdocs. This includes acute, special family situations, such as only partially opened day-care facilities or caring for children during quarantine measures e.g. as well as employees responsible for care-dependent family members (min. Level-of-care I).

With this support the SFB1399 aims at supporting research projects by paying a student assistant for up to 12 months for a maximum of 8 h/week.

Applicant requirements

  • Project leaders of the SFB1399
  • MD students, PhD students and PostDocs associated with the SFB1399

Submission documentation

  1. Your first and last name and your position
  2. Your working group and your employer (e.g. University, University Hospital, external location)
  3. Timeframe and extent of the desired support (starting date, no. of months, hours/week of the student assistant)
  4. Reason for your support e.g. how did child care affect the working progress of your project (closed child care, child sick,...)
  5. How will the assistant be supervised e.g. if you are still partially absent from the lab?
  6. Short project description that will be conducted by the student assistant with a clear reference to your research project
  7. Date and your signature
  8. Date and signature of your PI

Application process

  • Submit your application as single pdf to Dr. Graziella Bosco (info[at]sfb1399.de)
  • Applications can be submitted continuously until September 30th, 2025
  • An early submission is important for an approval in a timely manner

Selection process

The SFB gender board decides on the final suitability of the applicant on various criteria. New applications will be given priority. In addition, it is not possible to apply for the Family Support Grant at several SFBs or other DFG funded programs at the same time.

We look forward to your application! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.