The German Research Foundation (DFG) is establishing twelve new Integrated Research Trainging Groups (IRTG) to further strengthen the early stages of scientific careers. Among the new IRTGs is the Cologne-Seoul IRTG which is jointly supported by the University of Cologne in Germany and the Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea.
Lung carcinomas are one of the most common causes of cancer death worldwide. This is due, among other things, to the fact that resistance to lung cancer therapy can occur and the underlying mechanisms are not yet sufficiently understood. The IGK "Tumor Heterogeneity and Genomic Instability in Lung Carcinomas - Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications" wants to get to the bottom of such therapy resistance together with partners from South Korea and to do so, combining basic scientific and clinical aspects. The focus is on the geographical areas of Europe and East Asia, whose inhabitants differ ethnically in their cancer genomes. The aim is to gain new insights into these differences by comparing samples. (University of Cologne, spokesperson: Professor Dr. Reinhard Büttner; cooperation partner: Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea).
The CS-IRTG is open for master students in natural sciences, IT sciences and for medical students, who aim to receive a PhD or MD/PhD degree in the Interdisciplinary Program Molecular Medicine (IPMM) or Interdisciplinary Program Health Sciences (IPHS) programs at UoC or in Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences & Technology (SAIHST) at SKKU.
If you are interested you can apply here for the program: